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Karla Demali
for Wayne County Commissioner


I was born and raised in Wooster.  I lived on Lincoln Street (South of Bowman).  I went to Beall Avenue Elementary School with my sister and my two cousins.  (I am one out of three children that has made it out of poverty).  I started working at the age of eleven.  I started babysitting and delivering The Daily Record. After graduating high school, I worked as a bank teller, and I married my high school sweetheart two years later. My husband and I moved to Doylestown and were able to find a house that needed a lot of "TLC. " 

 My husband was working as a custodian, and I continued on my path in banking.    Fast forward three years and I found myself at home with our first child.  I wanted to go back to work but there was no one to watch my daughter and childcare was too expensive. So, we made the decision for me to start college when my daughter was eight months old.  My husband who worked second shift, so I would then take my classes in the morning, while he would watch our daughter.  I received WIC and we were still struggling to make ends meet.  Life was very challenging as a new mother, while going to school full-time.   I then had my second child 19 months later.  I continued with the WIC program which was a definite help to our family.  My daughter started attending pre-school through community action when she turned three.  Without the WIC program and Community Action preschool, I know that as a family we would have not been able to achieve the goals we set.  Even today, many years later,  I am very thankful for the help and support that they gave me and my family. So, I realize their importance in our community.   Five years later,  I was able to graduate from The University of Akron with a degree in Education. My daughter was getting ready to go into first grade and my son would start Kindergarten.  

Why Vote for me?

As a lifetime resident and with over 25 years of serving the public, my dedication to making a positive impact on all the residents is evident. I am campaigning on the Safety, Health and the Environment with a focus on our children and community ties, that emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships, trust and working together to create a better future for Wayne County.

I will be working with our Health Department, 180, Job and Family Services, Community Action, Planning Commission along with our Emergency Responders in Wayne County.  Also, included will be our local businesses, colleges, the art district and schools, along with the farmers, homeowners and landlords. 

With my focus on the Safety, Health and Environment of our community, along with my grassroots decision-making, and community-driven solutions, I am dedicated to finding innovative solutions to the challenges facing Wayne County. When it comes to finding solutions for the challenges facing Wayne County, Ohio I am the only candidate who will bring a fresh and innovative approach. With a commitment to all residents, by using community-driven decision-making, while addressing the important issues that matter to the people of Wayne County.

I truly believe that some of the best solutions come from the people who are directly affected by an issue. By actively involving the community in the decision-making process, I will ensure that the voices of all of Wayne County residents are heard. 

With over 25 years of working with the public, as a previous babysitter, The Daily Record deliverer, a fast food worker, bank teller, educator, server, custodian, and through many opportunities  of volunteering in Wayne County: as a Sunday School Teacher,  Brownie Leader,  Band Parent Treasurer, Chaperone, Habitat for Humanity, and most recently as a Rotary Club member. All of this experience definitely makes me highly qualified to be a County Commissioner.  I will stand up for what is right and what will benefit our community the most.  I will work with others to achieve our goals without compromising my values, or ethics.  As a former educator, along with my training as an administrator, I also understand who the stakeholders are and how their strong commitment to our children and our community is to work for a Safe, Healthy Environment for all.  Wayne County will be a place where everyone can become a productive citizen and thrive no matter where they reside. My dedication and loyalty to Wayne County will always put the people first.  This is why I am the ideal candidate for Wayne County Commissioner.

Please contact me if you would like to contribute to my campaign through either a donation of money or volunteering to help me get elected.

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